Could QR codes trigger graveside memories trend?

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Funeralcare has long been regarded as a traditional and old-fashioned, pen and paper industry – but one West Mids family-run funeral director is re-writing that description as it welcomes technology in the shape of QR codes on gravestones.

Willenhall-based Jennifer Ashe & Son is increasing awareness about new and emerging funeral options, such as how families can choose to have a small digital addition to their loved one’s gravestone or urn.

The QR code, when scanned by a mobile device, takes you to a selection of images, videos, songs or written memories of the person who has passed away, creating a truly personal memorial experience.

Angela Donnelly (pictured above), who specialises in arranging bespoke and intricate memorials for Jennifer Ashe & Son’s customers, said: “I’ve seen some truly exquisite memorial creations in my 15 years in the industry, from life-size artist-commissioned angels to BMWs and minute-detail drawings, one of which took upwards of 18 months to create.

“We strive to ensure we deliver to the exact requests of each and every one of our customers and when it comes to memorial stones, the range of options really can be endless.

“That’s why we are embracing the emerging technologies in our sector, as more and more customers begin to explore ‘interactive’ graveside experiences and ask us about how we can bring their vision to life.

“Some may find QR codes on gravestones to be untraditional, however our approach at Jennifer Ashe & Son is that the customer’s wishes are paramount. A memorial is a highly personal creation and we think QR codes can add to that feeling of proximity to and happy reflection of times with a loved one – which is a powerful development for the funeral industry.”

QR codes are just one of many unique funeral and memorial options the business offers, from ‘memory tubes’ which can be inserted into coffins, to bespoke coffins in glittery pink or wicker.

Angela added: “Any of our team at our five branches in Willenhall, Brownhills, Hednesford, Lichfield and Walsall will be happy to talk about new funeral options including QR codes – and our door is always open if people have questions or unusual ideas about how they would like to be able to remember and say farewell to their loved ones. Our motto is, if there’s a way to make a final goodbye perfect, we will find it!”