Digital: 5 dos and don’ts on social media for funeral directors

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Embracing social media can help you connect more with your communities and provide valuable support, writes Eimer Duffy. This can be part of an online presence strategy for standing out more in a competitive market.

And here are five dos and don’ts to help you get started:


Be authentic

Share genuine stories and insights from your daily work. Authenticity builds trust and humanises your business.

Engage with your community

Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages promptly. A simple ‘thank you’ or a comforting reply can go a long way in building relationships and showing your community that you care.

Share helpful content

Provide valuable content that can help your audience. Sharing helpful information positions you as a trusted resource in times of need.

Use visuals

Images and videos are powerful tools on social media. Share photos of your peaceful facilities, beautiful floral arrangements, or even short videos explaining your services.

Use hashtags

Hashtags can help increase the visibility of your posts. Use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience and include your business name.


Ignore negative feedback

Ignoring negative comments or reviews can harm your reputation. Address them promptly and professionally. This shows that you care about your clients’ experiences and are committed to improvement.


Aim for a balanced posting schedule, sharing content consistently but not excessively. Quality over quantity is a good rule of thumb.

Forget to proofread

Posting content with spelling or grammatical errors can undermine your professionalism. Always proofread your posts before publishing to ensure they are clear and error-free.

Use jargon

Avoid using industry-specific jargon that might confuse your audience. Use clear, simple language that everyone can understand.

Neglect your profile

Ensure your social media profiles are complete and up to date. A well-maintained profile enhances your credibility and makes it easy for people to reach out to you.


You can create a meaningful and respectful social media presence that supports and engages your community. Embrace social media as a tool to extend your care and support beyond the funeral home.

Want some help with all this? Find out more at

Thanks for reading, Eimer